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I have started a blog for the school year, I hope you enjoy it

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Jamestown, Captain Smith, and Pocahontas

This a very well know story so I won't dwell on it too much.

Captain John Smith was one of the head honchos at the Jamestown settlement. He, unlike many others, believed that the Native Americans were not ignorant savages but highly developed people just like himself. He helped build a fort protecting Jamestown. One day while he was out scouting he was captured by the Powhatan Indians and taken back to their camp to go on trial. The chief of the Powhatans decided to kill Captain Smith but before he could, his daughter Pocahontas rushed forward to protect Captains Smith and saved his life. Captain Smith and Pocahontas would go on to become very close friends and there was peace between the Natives and the Settlers

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Economics of Tobacco

    In the early 1600s, the settlers in the new world were frantically looking for a comodity that they could trade and use to provide for the. A Jamestown farmer named John Rolfe had the idea to create a new kind of tobacco by breeding the tobacco used in England with the tobacco found in America. After Rolfe succesfully traded his first crop, excitment grew in America and lots of farmers made tobacco their primary crop. And due to the rising demand for tobacco, there was also a rising demand for workers. And so slavery started in America. As they were able to sell more and more tobacco, the price began to drop and so they had to make more tobacco. Finally England put a monopolly on tobacco. No one in England was aloud to grow it, and the tobacco grown in America had to be sold to people in England.

Monday, October 26, 2015

The Raid on Deerfield

     This raid took place on a February morning in 1704. Native Americans and a few French soldiers raided Deerfield, Mass. They killed almost 50 people and burned the town to the ground. The Native Americans took many captives and took them to New France. They thought they were being chased so the Native Americans drove them at a pace that would kill many of the captives. The story of the Deerfield Raid has been told for many years. We know no, more than 300 years later, that this wasn't mindless slaughter. But none the less a terrible event in history.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Hard Labor

     This is a book I was reading for school. It was a very short book and easy to read. Even though it was short I thought it had a lot of good information in it and I was able to get something out of it
     The book was about slavery and how origionally it had nothing to do with race. A black man could have a white man as a slave, and a white man could have a black man as a slave. Also slavery wasn't what we think of now. It was properly called indentured service. And it didn't last for your lifetime. A normal indentured service lasted 4-7 years.
     It was in 1633 that a few rules were made that caused racism to come into play and you could be seen as the "wrong color" A slave born into slavery was automatically a slave. And,  a black man could not have a white slave.