Robert Fulton was at the very least a genius. He was know to be an expert gunsmith, jeweler, and a painter. Even before his most notable invention, he had made a submarine with working torpedoes. But what he is most know for is building the first paddle wheel steamboat. The first trip that the boat went on was a trip from New York City to Albany and back, by way of the Hudson River. When people saw it steaming up the river, it is said that some thought it was a sea monster, and that others thought it was a sign of the coming judgement. With thick black smoke billowing out of the tall pipes, you can imagine why people would be afraid at first sight. However, on the return trip the big menacing boat was greeted with excitement form all the people on land. The sound of the giant paddle splashing in the water would draw many people to the banks. This invention by Robert Fulton was indeed a great one! It changed the way people traveled, shipped goods, and how people view accessibility to the world.