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Friday, April 24, 2015

Into the Sea of Darkness

             In the 15th century Portugal was becoming a big name in the maritime economy. They had a unique location that looked west and south across the Atlantic Ocean. This helped Portugal build a maritime economy based on trading, shipbuilding and sailing. The Portuguese monarchy supported ship owners which helped the growth of oversea trade.
              For a long time sailors in Europe had only knowledge of the ocean that was gained form personal experience such as tides, currents, wind, weather and the coastlines near their home. But in the 14th and 15th centuries technological developments were made that vastly changed the world of seafarers, shipbuilders and mapmakers forever.
              The people of Portugal had maritime knowledge, a good location and a lot of seafaring experience. But what really united the nation in a mission of exploration was a man named Prince Henry the Navigator. Prince Henry was born March 4th of 1394, he was the third living son of his family. When he was 19 he went on a crusade against a port city in Northern Africa. In 1415 the Portuguese attacked and defeated the port city Ceuta. Henry would then go on to explore Africa by way of the

1 comment:

  1. It seems you left something out....or misplaced some information.
