Last week I did some reaserach on my Great Great Great Great Grandfather, Samuel Silas Jack. I wasn't able to find too much about his life. But I a few dates and records of interest.
Samuel Silas Jack was born September 11th 1782. On October 3rd in 1805 (23 years old) he married Rebeckah Paxton. Samuel Silas Jack was one of the first people to settle in Warren Coutny, Ohio. In April of 1812 he volontereed in the revolutinary war for one year. He served under Capt. John Sheets. I don't really know what else happened in his life except that he died March 3rd, 1855 (72 years old)
Samuel Silas Jack was born September 11th 1782. On October 3rd in 1805 (23 years old) he married Rebeckah Paxton. Samuel Silas Jack was one of the first people to settle in Warren Coutny, Ohio. In April of 1812 he volontereed in the revolutinary war for one year. He served under Capt. John Sheets. I don't really know what else happened in his life except that he died March 3rd, 1855 (72 years old)
There's a pretty big mistake in this synopsis. Please check and correct and I'll comment again.